
Building Skin & Wallpapers


Sold by: scalbox

Building Skin. Apply DLC skins to buildings, without having to purchase DLC.
Apply all Walpaper to buildings, without having to purchase DLC.

Custom Wallpapers!
This plugin also allows you to import new wallpapers created by the community and downloadable from Steam or create new wallpapers that you want.

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Building Skin & Wallpapers

Building Skin & Wallpapers. Apply DLC skins to buildings, without having to purchase DLC.
Apply all Walpaper to buildings, without having to purchase DLC.

Custom Wallpapers!
This plugin also allows you to import new wallpapers created by the community and downloadable from Steam or create new wallpapers that you want.

You can choose from all the skins/wallpaper currently available.

You can upgrade a block with a hammer blow, upgrade all the building you are looking at or upgrade all buildings (Must have building privileges)

Downloading new wallpapers from steam or creating new ones is really very easy.

If you have administrator permissions, you can change the skin/wallpapers of other players using their steamID


  • buildingskin.use – Allows you to use the plugin
  • – Allows the player to upgrade the building they are looking at (must have building permits)
  • buildingskin.all – Allows the player to upgrade all of his buildings (must have building permits), and to use the gui and commands to change the color of the building skin and/or wallpapers
  • buildingskin.wallpaper.nocost – Allows the player to change Wallpapers without cost.
  • buildingskin.admin — Allows you to edit all of a player’s buildings, via their steam ID. (Important: this permission should only be given to admins!)
  • buildingskin.wallpaper.useskinfromsteam: With this role, you can use skins that are not present in the configuration, and which can be taken directly from Steam.


In case you are using the containers skin, use the sppary can to change color.

When you use the /bskin build or /bskin all command and you are using the Container skin, all blocks are colored in different colors.

But you just need to change the color with the spray can and repeat the command, and all the blocks will have the color of your choice.

Once you save your favorite color, the plugin will also use it for future uses, you can always change color with the spray can.

/bskin build: It allows you to change the skin of the entire building with the selected skin

Or you can use a shortcut with the hammer.

By pressing the SHIFT key and hitting with the hammer, the skin of the entire building will be changed to the selected skin


You can change the color of the building, only on skins that have colors, such as Container skins, with just 1 command

  1. You can change the color of the building via a convenient gui, by typing the command in chat:
    /bskin c or /bskin color
    Buildingskin Changecolor Image 1
    Or through the button (/bskin command)
    Colorchoice Image 2
  2. Or you can pass the color id directly:
    /bskin c <color> or /bskin color <color>: For the color you can pass a number from 0 to 16. If you use 0 as the color, each wall will have a different color

Auto apply color

Buildingskin Changecolor Image 2

If enabled it immediately changes the color of the skin, if the skin supports color changing. Otherwise the color will be saved as a favorite color for future uses.

Auto apply skin
Buildingskin Changecolor Image 3
If enabled and you have selected a skin that supports color change, in addition to updating the skin color, the skin is also updated. For example, if you have a metal base and you have selected the Container skin as your skin, if the button is enabled, both the color and the skin will be changed to the Container skin.


You can change the Wallpapers of the building, with just 1 command

  1. You can change the wallpaper of the building via a convenient gui, by typing the command in chat:
    /bskin wp or /bskin wallpaperBuildingskin_Wallpaper_Image_8
    Or through the button (/bskin command)

Wallpaper apply mode

  1. BUILDING: Wallpapers will be automatically applied to the entire building you are looking at.
    This icon must be enabled:
  2. MANUAL: Wallpapers will be applied to the single wall using the hammer. You will first have to select a wallpaper from the list and then with the hammer in your hand, you must hold R (RELOAD) button and give a hammer hit.
    This icon must be enabled:


Wallpaper can be placed on both sides of the wall.
You can choose whether to place the wallpaper on the inside of the wall, on the outside or on both sides, just select one of the 3 buttons

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  • Internal: The wallpaper will be placed and/or removed on the internal side of the wall
  • External: The wallpaper will be placed and/or removed on the external side of the wall
  • Both: Wallpaper will be placed and/or removed on both sides of the wall


The plugin supports the automatic download of Wallpaper from the Steam Workshop.
This is a list with various wallpaperrs chosen by me and that can be downloaded automatically when the plugin is started.
In this way you will immediately have many additional Wallpapers to use and new wallpapers will be downloaded automatically.

Automatic download is enabled by default, but can be disabled by editing the configuration file:

"Download Steam Workshop wallpaper": true


You can disable any Wallpaper, for example automatically downloaded wallpapers, by editing the data file and setting the Wallpaper as disabled.
You can find the data file in this path: /oxide/data/BuildingSkin/WallpaperData.json

To disable a wallpaper just change the property:

"Enabled": false

Alternatively you can delete the wallpaper.

In the next update, you will be able to disable and delete wallpapers, via graphical interface.


If enabled, it allows you to move freely and try the various Wallpapers without having to type the command every time



When changing wallpapers, if this option is enabled, existing wallpapers will be replaced, otherwise existing wallpapers will not be replaced.



Applying Wallpapers to walls has a cost, which can be changed in the configurations.
To change the cost, open the file /config/BuildingSkin.json and change the property:

  1. "Wallpaper place Cost (Cloth). Default: 5 Cloth x Wall": 5
  2. The default cost for placing Wallpapers is 5 Cloths for each wall side.
  3. If the player has buildingskin.wallpaper.nocost permission, he will not need cloth to place Wallpapers



You can import new wallpapers created from community directly from Steam or you can create your own wallpapers.

You can find new wallpapers to import via Steam from the following link: Steam Custom Wallpaper

Or you can create your own wallpapers.

To create your own wallpapers, just use this tool (thanks to bmgjet for creating this tool):
and follow the instructions, a really simple and fast process.
You just need to choose an image and a new wallpaper will be created, which will be inserted into your Steam Workshop and you can import it later using its ID.

To import wallpapers you need permission: buildingskin.admin

These are the commands to import or remove custom wallpapers:

  • buildingskin.wp.addskin <wallpaperID>: Allows you to import a new wallpaper from Steam
  • buildingskin.wp.removeskin <wallpaperID>: Allows you to remove a wallpaper you’ve previously imported from Steam

Instead of <wallpaperID> you need to insert the ID of the wallpaper to import.
The id is present in the url, here is an example:

  • The url contains the id parameter, you just need to use this number as the id, in this case the id is: 3349844435


Alternatively, you can also use wallpapers through Steam without having to import them first, which is useful for testing wallpapers before importing them or for experimenting.

To be able to use wallpapers directly from steam without importing them, you must have permission: buildingskin.wallpaper.useskinfromsteam

  1. /bskin wp <wallpaperID> or /bskin wallpaper <wallpaperID>: Instead of <wallpaperID> you need to enter the id of the wallpaper you want to use
  2. NB: If the wallpaper is already present in the configuration, then permission buildingskin.wallpaper.useskinfromsteam is not necessary.


All members of the clan/team can change the skins or the color of the skins and/or wallpapers set by other players who are part of the clan/team


To remind your players of the existence of this plugin, every time they pick up a hammer, they will receive a message in the chat, advising them that they can use /bskin to change the skin/wallpapers. The message can be disabled via the /bskin GUI. All this only if the player has permission: buildingsskin.use


From the /bskin GUI any player can disable or enable the plugin. This is for players who have bought the various DLCs.


To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <Steam name or ID> buildingskin.use.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <Steam name or ID> buildingskin.use.


  • /bskin – Opens the GUI for choosing the skin.
  • /bskin b or /bskin build — Upgrade the building you are looking at (Must have building permission)
  • /bskin a or /bskin all – Upgrade all your buildings (Must have building permits).
  • /bskin a <steam id> or /bskin all <steam id> – Upgrade all your buildings of a player without having building permits, just pass the steamID, ex: /bskin all 76561100000000000
  • ——————–
  • /bskin color or /bskin color: Open gui for changing building color
  • /bskin color <color> or /bskin color <color>: Change skin color. For the color you can pass a number from 0 to 16. If you use 0 as the color, each wall will have a different color
  • ——————–
  • /bskin wp or /bskin wallpaper: Open gui for changing building wallpapers
  • /bskin wp <wallpaperID> or /bskin wallpaper <wallpaperID>: Instead of <wallpaperID> you need to enter the id of the wallpaper you want to use.
  • —————————————-
  • By pressing the SHIFT key and hitting with the hammer, the skin of the entire building will be changed to the selected skin
  • By hold R (RELOAD) button and give a hammer hit, the wallpapers of the entire building will be changed to the selected wallpaper


  • Chat steamID icon – Icon ID to use in messages sent by the plugin to the player
  • Download Steam Workshop wallpaper: Enable or disable automatic downloading of Wallpapers from the Steam Workshop. Default TRUE
  • Block building skin in building blocked – Prevents players from changing skins for buildings they don’t have building permits for. You can bypass this limitation with permission:buildingskin.admin
  • Number of blocks updated per tick – How many blocks to update per tick. Setting the value too high can cause performance problems and server lag.
  • Apply selected paint color to all building blocks -Enables the ability to automatically apply your chosen skin color via spray can when you upgrade a building block.
  • —————————————-
  • Wallpaper: Prevents Rust from removing wallpaper on external walls at base: Rust allows you to place wallpapers on the external side of walls, but only for walls inside the base. This plugin allows you to place wallpapers on all walls, even those outside the base, but Rust removes them after a while.
    Setting this to TRUE prevents Rust from removing wallpapers placed on the external side of walls outside the base. Default TRUE
  • Wallpaper: Disable damage against wallpapers: Prevents wallpapers from being damaged and removed. They can still be removed with a hammer. Default TRUE
  • Wallpaper place Cost (Cloth). Default: 5 Cloth x Wall side: The cost in cloth to apply the wallpaper for each wall side.


The plugin, therefore the automatic messages and statistics, are translated into the following languages:

  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Russian

Translation files are located in the /oxide/lang folder, here is an example of a /oxide/lang/en/BuildingSkin.json translation file.

You can add translations for other languages by adding them to the folder: /oxide/lang

Additional information


Carbon, Oxide/Umod

5 reviews for Building Skin & Wallpapers

  1. Avatar Of M.frutos
    5 out of 5


    Good job, my players are delighted with this plugin.
    I have tried several and I stick with this one, it is the best

  2. 5 out of 5

    Sven Immelmann

    10/10 plugin
    The UI looks good
    There’s a ton of wallpaper options as well, which everyone really seemed to like

    Best Building Skin plugin I’ve seen

  3. Avatar Of Rustyhavenpvesurvival
    5 out of 5


    If you are looking for Building Skin plugin for your server, this is definitely the one! I have tried 3 others, one paid from another site, and 2 free ones from 2 other sites. This one destroys all of them, and has way nicer looking GUI, and features. Scalbox makes sure that it is working if it ever breaks from any Rust updates. Highly recommended plugin. I would never use any other after using this one.

  4. 4 out of 5

    Richard MacAleese

    One thing about building skin plugins for Rust that I’ve found across the board is that none of them seem to be well maintained. That is, most are either lacking important “building skin” features or no longer receive attention in the form of updates or fixes from the developer. This Building Skin mod picks up where all the rest of them fall apart.

    What I mean by “important building skin plugin features” is:

    * See all available skin options at a glance
    * Apply the selected skin(s) to the entire base all at once (instead of having to hit each piece with the hammer)
    * Enable selection of painting color for skins that support it
    * Regularly update with newly introduced skins

    This plugin hits all those points. It’s not perfect exactly, but outstanding issues are minor. Here are my minor complaints, provided for full transparency:

    – The skin options are presented all on one screen and are grouped in rows by material type, but the rows aren’t labeled; this is a little confusing for players
    – This plugin will apply the skin automatically after selecting the skin and color–but the player might not want that
    – As far as I can tell, there is no way to manually skin each piece one at a time, so it’s not possible (as far as I can tell) to make a mixed skin base (including mixed colors) with this plugin
    – The skin menu does not indicate which skin is currently selected, so the commands documented for this plugin are a little unwieldy
    – The commands for this plugin are redundant with the feature that auto applies skins when you select one

    None of those minor issues impact usability, except for the case if a player wants to make a mixed skin or mixed color base. Overall it’s quite nice to have a building skin plugin that just works and offers all the important features.

    • Avatar Of Scalbox


      Thank you very much for your feedback, we will work to improve the plugin.
      As for the skin application, you can apply multiple different skins.
      If you strike with the hammer you apply the skin only where you hit, but if you use the /bskin build command, it automatically applies the skin to all blocks of the same type.
      This way you can apply different skins for the building.
      The color is applied automatically if you are close to the building, otherwise save the color as the default color, but we will put a check mark to allow the automatic application of the color or not.
      We will publish an updated version with your suggestions shortly.
      Thank you 🙂

  5. 5 out of 5

    Angela Stücklin (verified owner)

    This Building Skin mod is by far my favorite. I tested all available Building Skin mods from paid to free ones but this one is my number one!
    The UI is very easy and intuitive for players. There is even a warning for players, so they don’t forget to choose the skin before building.
    And scalbox is also very fast with updating and a very helpful developer!

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.


Added new LUNAR NEW YEAR 2025 Wallpaper


Fix Json parse error


Added support for automatically downloading new wallpapers from the Steam Workshop


Saving the favorite color


Added new wallpapers


Added new wallpapers


Fix UI Flickering


Added translation in various languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Russian


Fix for low wall


Added new wallpapers


New commands to import new wallpapers from Steam


Create and use custom wallpapers


Changed button to press to change wallpaper with hammer: changed CTRL button to R button (RELOAD)


Configuration: Wallpaper: Prevents Rust from removing wallpaper on external walls at base. Default TRUE


Configuration: Wallpaper: Disable damage against wallpapers. Default TRUE


Fix: bskin reminder message


Fixed last used color


Update for the next Rust update (03/10/2024) for Forced Wipe. Don't update before!!!


Added support for placing wallpaper on both sides of the wall


Fix for new Rust update


Added configuration to change the icon ID to use in messages sent by the plugin to the player


Button to move freely with the Wallpaper UI open


Button to decide whether or not to change existing wallpapers


Changing wallpaper with hammer doesn't work properly


Place Wallpaper to wall.window


Bug fix


Added support for Wallpapers


Fix for Rust Update


Support for the native Rust team, for changing skin and color.


Graphics improvements


Graphics improvements


Fixed some issues


Load default skin color


Added support for framework: Carbon


Fix Gingerbread skin after latest Rust update


bug fix


Fixed Rust bug. The Gingerbread skin now works both via plugins and via the hammer radial menu


Fixed the Gingerbread skin


Full support for the Gingerbread skin


Gingerbread skin reactivated


Temporarily removed the Gingerbread skin


Fixed issue with Legacy Wood skin.


Rename Frontier skin to Legacy Wood


Clan support, for changing skin and color


Upgrade the building skin by pressing the SHIFT key and hitting with the hammer


Added new options for changing color and skin


Fix color application


Added skin: Gingerbread


Removed Gingerbread skin - currently causing problems


Added rainbow color


Added gui for changing building color with the command: /bskin color


Color settings


Added skin: Gingerbread


Added skin: Frontier


Added skin: Brutalist


Fixed problem for those who purchased the skin DLCs and were unable to use them


Command to change the skin color of the entire building


Startup message when you take a hammer in your hand


Improved the system for remembering the last color used for a skin


Code refactoring


Initial release


Initial release

45 thoughts on "Building Skin & Wallpapers"

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  1. Hello, I have obtained the permission of buildingskin.admin.
    And entered the command buildingskin.wp.addskin 3229989274
    But the wallpaper was not added successfully.

  2. The plugin is amazing, but today it stopped working. It probably needs an update.

    • hello
      the plugin works without problems, there have been no updates in these days.

      Send the error log

      • Fixed, it was an error in the player data file.
        Thank you very much for answering so quickly.
        Nice plugin.

  3. As soon as I throw the mod into the plugins, it starts loading and immediately unloads and pops up Here is the error Unloaded plugin BuildingSkin v2.1.9 from Scalbox
    in the object Oxide.Plugins.BuildingSkin.InternalCallHook(uint interceptor, object[] args) in BuildingSkin.cs/Internal:line 455 help me solve this please

    • Hi

      1) Download the latest version of the plugin and upload it to the server
      2) Unload the plugin
      3) Delete the BuildingSkin folder inside the Data folder and the BuildingSkin.json file inside the config folder
      4) Start the plugin.

          • Hello! I am fully following your instructions. I downloaded the newest version of the plugin and uploaded it. At first, the plugin started loading, but then it suddenly stopped, and it said, “Plugin disabled.” I reloaded it, then I unloaded it, and I even cleared the folders you mentioned (deleted them). After that, I uploaded the plugin again, but the same error I sent you earlier appeared again. I don’t understand what the problem is. this is how the error looks again on the object Oxide.Plugins.BuildingSkin.InternalCallHook(uint Hook, object[] args) in BuildingSkin.cs/Internal:line 455

    • you are doing something wrong, as the plugin is perfectly working on both carbon and oxide. Open a support ticket on discord and send the full error

  4. good day does this mean that the plugin works or not? tance of an object)
    Loaded plugin BuildingSkin v2.1.8 by Scalboxx00132] in :0

    • Yes it works, if you have problems do this procedure:

      1) Download the latest version of the plugin and upload it to the server
      2) Unload the plugin
      3) Delete the BuildingSkin folder inside the Data folder and the BuildingSkin.json file inside the config folder
      4) Start the plugin.

  5. Good day, can you update the plugin because there was an update in Rust and because of this it does not work

  6. Hello, I get an error when entering the game and the server, that the plugin is disabled, maybe this is because of the Halloween update?

    • Hi
      the plugin is working without problems.
      If you have problems unload the plugin, delete the conf file and the data files, update plugin and then start the plugin

      • hi again I tried as you said and I got this error Failed to call hook ‘Unload’ on plugin ‘BuildingSkin v2.1.8’ (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
        at Oxide.Plugins.BuildingSkin.Unload () [0x00132] in <ebadfba5563a4ed3ba81

        • You are doing something wrong.
          1) Download the latest version of the plugin and upload it to the server
          2) Unload the plugin
          3) Delete the BuildingSkin folder inside the Data folder and the BuildingSkin.json file inside the config folder
          4) Start the plugin.

          No one has this error, not even me who uses the plugin for my servers

  7. hello , i noticed that for players after wipe plugin not saved chosen skin and colour for metal , and didn save chosen skins for other building tiers, i need change something in config or its not possible save selected skin for next wipe . thanks

    • hello, this problem does not exist, use the plugin personally and save the sakin and color correctly.
      Unload the plugin, delete the configuration file and the file in the data folder and then start the plugin

  8. Did the Halloween update break the plugin? I’m trying to use the command, but it keeps returning as “Unknown command.” I attempted to add the permissions again, but it said that the permission doesn’t exist. I even deleted and reinstalled the plugin, but I’m still facing the same issue.

    • Hi
      the plugin is working without problems.
      If you have problems unload the plugin, delete the conf file and the data files, update plugin and then start the plugin

  9. hello , if i want implement new wallpaper skins , do i need do it right in plugin or in config file or i can do it in ui in game ?


    • Hi
      you can import them with the command

      buildingskin.wp.addskin ID

  10. Changing the deploy wallpaper key to something else than CTRL.
    You can’t skin foundations with hammer, when crouching xD

    • Hi, what do you mean you can’t?
      The plugin works fine with CTRL + 1 hammer blow.
      You need to enable the “Apply with hammer blow” option

      • You can’t skin foundations because you need to crouch to hit the floor.
        When you crouch the plugin thinks you want to place a wallpaper.

        • I just released an update to change the button from CTRL to R (RELOAD) button

  11. Is it possible to change cost of wallpapers to Economics or custom item?

    • Hi, yes I can implement it, I’ll mark it as a task for the next update

  12. you can apply wallpapers to both sides of a building but after a while the outside ones dissappear, is this normal ?

    • Hi

      this is a Rust related issue, but the latest version of the plugin fixes this issue.

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