
Spawn Everything – Spawn all entity, Bases, Item, Deploy Nature, loot, Pickup Entity, Pickup Vehicles


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Spawn Everything – Spawn all entity, Bases, Item, loot, Pickup Entity, Pickup Vehicles, Deploy Nature, Instant Airdrop, allows you to spawn any entity or execute commands, all by using an item, pickup entity or vehicles, and much more.

By default it is configured to spawn vehicles, including Karuza custom vehicles, Crates, Locked Crates, Deployables, Casino items, and more.
You can add other entities that can be spawned through configuration.

It is also possible to pick up the generated entity, using the hammer.

You can add items to the in-game shop, loot, or wherever you want.

Spawn Bases using copy paste or other plugin.

You can also Deploy Nature and enable instant airdrop.

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Spawn Everything – Spawn Vehicle, Karuza Vehicle, Deployables, Bases, Item, Recycler, Crates, Custom entity, Execute Commands, Loots, Pickup Entity, Pickup Vehicles, Deploy Nature, Instant Airdrop, and much more…

Spawn Everything – Spawn all entity, Bases, Item, loot, Pickup Entity, Pickup Vehicles, Deploy Nature, Instant Airdrop, allows you to spawn any entity or execute commands, all by using an item, pickup entity or vehicles, and much more.

It is already configured to generate vehicles by default, including custom vehicles from Karuza, Crates, Locked Crate, Deployables, Casino items and much more.
Through the configuration you can add other entities that can be generated,
just enter a prefab name, or a command if you do not have a prefab name, and set the skin of the item that will be used.

It also allows you to limit the spawn, for example if you do not have building permits, avoid spawning in water or allow it only in water,
also being able to choose the minimum depth of the water, allow or not spawn inside buildings, monuments and more.

It is also possible to pick up the generated entity/vehicles, using the hammer.

You can add items to the in-game shop, loot, or wherever you want.

Spawn Bases using copy paste or other plugin.

You can also Deploy Nature and enable instant airdrop.

Compatible with Oxide/Umod and Carbon.

Here you can find a file with all the entities currently available and the various information on the item to create to spawn the entity




Below you can see an example video on how to use the plugin.


Some examples of how the plugin works and the entities that can be spawned by default.

  • Vehicle Spawn
  • Spawn Custom Vehicles by Karuza
  • Pickup Entity
  • Pickup Vehicle
  • Pickup Karuza Vehicle
  • Spawn Recycler
  • Deploy Nature
  • Ability to enable instant airdrop.
  • Spawn NPC vehicles, such as Bradley, Patrol helicopter, CH47 (Chinook 47)
  • Spawn loot boxes, such as the: Locked Crate, Oil Rig Locked Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Patrol Helicopter Crate, Elite Tier Crate, Elite Tier Crate – Underwater Labs.
  • Crater for mines, to place mines where you want. Survey Crater – For Mining Quarry, Survey Crater Oil – For Pump Jack.
  • Spawn Bases using copy paste or other plugin
  • Spawn Casino entities
  • Spawn custom entities
  • And much more


  • spawneverything.admin – Allows the use of commands reserved for admins, such as giving items for entity spawning to players.
  • spawneverything.fuel.unlimited – If the entity to be spawned is a vehicle, the vehicle will not need fuel to run. The same can be achieved via the configuration file, for each individual entity.
  • spawneverything.nodamage.enabled – Spawned entities will not take damage if the player has this permission.
  • spawneverything.spawn.not_enabled – Allows you to spawn entities that have not been enabled in the configuration file.
  • spawneverything.spawn.bypass_building_privilege – Allows you to spawn entities even if you don’t have building permissions, for entities that require building permissions to spawn.
  • spawneverything.spawn.bypass_tc – Allows entities to be spawned, for entities that cannot be spawned near any Tool Cupboard (TC).
  • spawneverything.spawn.bypass_monument – Allows entities to be spawned in monuments, for entities that cannot be spawned in monuments.
  • spawneverything.spawn.bypass_road_rails – Allows entities to be spawned to the road/rails, for entities that cannot be spawned to the road/rails.
  • spawneverything.spawn.bypass_only_outside – Allows entities to spawn inside buildings, for entities that cannot be spawned inside buildings.
  • spawneverything.spawn.bypass_water – Allows entities to spawn in water, for entities that cannot be spawned in water.


Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), from console or Rcon.
To use these commands you must have the role: spawneverything.admin

  1. /se <skinID> <quantity> — Allows you to give the item to spawn the entity, to yourself. You need to pass these parameters:
    1. skinID of the configured entity
    2. The quantity of items.
  2. /se <skinID> <quantity> <steamID> — Allows you to give the item to spawn the entity, to a player. You need to pass these parameters:
    1. skinID of the configured entity
    2. The quantity of items.
    3. The SteamID of the player to give the items to

Commands can be added or modified in the configuration file: /oxide/config/SpawnEverything.json


You can collect the generated entity using the hammer.
By collecting the entity, you will be given back the item for the entity’s spawn.

To collect the entity you need to hold down the SHIFT key and hit the entity with the hammer.
You can only collect entities that have been enabled for collection in the configuration file.

NB: This is an early version of this feature and is still in beta.
At the moment if you pick up the entity, you will lose any loot contained in it, so make sure to remove any loot before picking up the entity.
With the next update, you will be able to leave the loot inside the entity and automatically find it with the next spawn of the entity.


In the plugin configuration, you can enable instant airdrop.


The plugin can use any item for entity spawning.
You need to generate an item with a certain skin id, to get the item that allows the entity to spawn.

The name of the item to use and the skin id are present in the configuration file:

  • Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)”
  • SkinID

You can add these items to the in-game Shop, to the loot, in the Vending Machine or wherever you want, very easily.

For example, this item spawns a minicopter:

Item: grenade.flashbang | SkinID: 3366887420


ItemID: -936921910 | SkinID: 3366887420


The settings and options can be configured in the SpawnEverything.json under the config directory.
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
  "TimeZone": "Europe/London",
  "Chat Command": [
  "ChatPrefix": "SpawnEverything",
  "Show Pick Up Entity Confirm Dialog. (Default: TRUE)": true,
  "Add spawnable Resource/Nature to your configuration. (Default: FALSE)": false,
  "Add Karuza Custom Vehicles to your configuration. (Default: FALSE)": false,
  "Instant Supply Signal Settings": {
    "Enable instant Supply Signal drop. Default: FALSE": false,
    "Spawn Only Outside bases. Default: TRUE": true,
    "Spawn Cooldown (seconds). [Minimum 1 seconds]. Default: 1": 1,
    "Bypass Fancy Drop to avoid conflicts with the launch of the Supply Signal. Default: TRUE": true
  "Entity Drop Item": [
      "Enabled": false,
      "DisplayName": "Spawn Minicopter",
      "Description": "Spawn Minicopter",
      "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang",
      "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab",
      "SkinID": 3366887420,
      "Spawn Position Offset": {
        "Right": 0.0,
        "Forward": 0.0,
        "Up": 0.0
      "Spawn Rotation Offset": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 0.0
      "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust",
      "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true,
      "Custom Radius Check": 0.0,
      "Execute Commands": [],
      "Execute Commands As Admin": false,
      "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0,
      "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true,
      "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Spawn Only Outside": true,
      "Dont Spawn In Water": true,
      "Requires Water": false,
      "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0,
      "Armored": false,
      "Unlimited Fuel": false,
      "Fuel Amount": 0
      "Enabled": false,
      "DisplayName": "Spawn Attack Helicopter",
      "Description": "Spawn Attack Helicopter",
      "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang",
      "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab",
      "SkinID": 3366893095,
      "Spawn Position Offset": {
        "Right": 0.0,
        "Forward": 0.0,
        "Up": 0.0
      "Spawn Rotation Offset": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 0.0
      "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust",
      "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true,
      "Custom Radius Check": 0.0,
      "Execute Commands": [],
      "Execute Commands As Admin": false,
      "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0,
      "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true,
      "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Spawn Only Outside": true,
      "Dont Spawn In Water": true,
      "Requires Water": false,
      "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0,
      "Armored": false,
      "Unlimited Fuel": false,
      "Fuel Amount": 0
      "Enabled": false,
      "DisplayName": "Spawn Scrap Transport Helicopter",
      "Description": "Spawn Scrap Transport Helicopter",
      "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang",
      "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab",
      "SkinID": 3366892516,
      "Spawn Position Offset": {
        "Right": 0.0,
        "Forward": 0.0,
        "Up": 0.0
      "Spawn Rotation Offset": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 0.0
      "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust",
      "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true,
      "Custom Radius Check": 0.0,
      "Execute Commands": [],
      "Execute Commands As Admin": false,
      "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0,
      "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true,
      "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Spawn Only Outside": true,
      "Dont Spawn In Water": true,
      "Requires Water": false,
      "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0,
      "Armored": false,
      "Unlimited Fuel": false,
      "Fuel Amount": 0
      "Enabled": false,
      "DisplayName": "Spawn Hot Air Balloon",
      "Description": "Spawn Hot Air Balloon",
      "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang",
      "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab",
      "SkinID": 3366893631,
      "Spawn Position Offset": {
        "Right": 0.0,
        "Forward": 0.0,
        "Up": 0.0
      "Spawn Rotation Offset": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 0.0
      "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust",
      "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true,
      "Custom Radius Check": 0.0,
      "Execute Commands": [],
      "Execute Commands As Admin": false,
      "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0,
      "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true,
      "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Spawn Only Outside": true,
      "Dont Spawn In Water": true,
      "Requires Water": false,
      "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0,
      "Armored": false,
      "Unlimited Fuel": false,
      "Fuel Amount": 0
      "Enabled": false,
      "DisplayName": "Spawn Armored Hot Air Balloon",
      "Description": "Spawn Armored Hot Air Balloon",
      "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang",
      "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab",
      "SkinID": 3366893925,
      "Spawn Position Offset": {
        "Right": 0.0,
        "Forward": 0.0,
        "Up": 0.0
      "Spawn Rotation Offset": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 0.0
      "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust",
      "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true,
      "Custom Radius Check": 0.0,
      "Execute Commands": [],
      "Execute Commands As Admin": false,
      "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0,
      "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true,
      "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Spawn Only Outside": true,
      "Dont Spawn In Water": true,
      "Requires Water": false,
      "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0,
      "Armored": true,
      "Unlimited Fuel": false,
      "Fuel Amount": 0
      "Enabled": false,
      "DisplayName": "Spawn Kayak",
      "Description": "Spawn Kayak",
      "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang",
      "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab",
      "SkinID": 3366894316,
      "Spawn Position Offset": {
        "Right": 0.0,
        "Forward": 0.0,
        "Up": 0.0
      "Spawn Rotation Offset": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 0.0
      "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust",
      "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true,
      "Custom Radius Check": 0.0,
      "Execute Commands": [],
      "Execute Commands As Admin": false,
      "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0,
      "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true,
      "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false,
      "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0,
      "Spawn Only Outside": true,
      "Dont Spawn In Water": false,
      "Requires Water": true,
      "Minimum Water Depth": 0.5,
      "Armored": false,
      "Unlimited Fuel": false,
      "Fuel Amount": 0
  "VersionNumber": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 0
  1. TimeZone:Default: Europe/London
  2. Chat Command: — Here you can add, edit or delete Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), or from console.
  3. ChatPrefix: — Chat message prefix.
  4. Show Pick Up Entity Confirm Dialog: — If enabled, show a confirmation dialog when you want to collect the entity for added security and to avoid unintentional errors. Default: TRUE
  5. Add spawnable Resource/Nature to your configuration — If set to TRUE, adds all Resources/Nature to the configuration. Default: FALSE
  6. Add Karuza Custom Vehicles to your configuration: — If set to TRUE, adds all Karuza custom vehicles to the configuration. Default: FALSE


Configuration for instant airdrop:

  1. Enable instant Supply Signal drop: — If enabled, Supply Drops arrive instantly. Default: FALSE
  2. Spawn Only Outside bases: — Enable Supply Signals to spawn only outside bases. Default: TRUE
  3. Spawn Cooldown (seconds). [Minimum 1 seconds]: — Sets a wait time before the Supply Drop arrive, once the Supply Signal is thrown. Minimum 1 seconds. Default: 1
  4. Bypass Fancy Drop to avoid conflicts with the launch of the Supply Signal: — If enabled, bypasses the FancyDrop plugin to avoid conflicts. Default: TRUE



Here you will insert all the items with their configurations for the spawn of any entity.

  1. Enabled: — If set to FALSE, the entity cannot be spawned. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.not_enabled
  2. DisplayName: — The name of the Item that the player will see when he clicks on it with the mouse.
  3. Description: — A description of the entity that will be spawned. It has no effect on the player’s Item, it is just for internal use to remind you what this Item does.
  4. Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang):  — Here you need to specify the name of the item that will be used to spawn this entity.
  5. Spawn PrefabName: — Here you enter the name of the Prefab that will be generated. It is not mandatory, you can not enter the Prefab Name and instead execute commands that you can define later in the configuration.
  6. SkinID: — Here you enter the SkinID that will be applied to the item. Based on the SkinID, a different Item will be generated for the spawn of different entities.
    You can use existing SkinIDs on the Steam Workshop or create your own Skin.
  7. Entity Type — This field is used by the plugin to understand if it is a Rust entity or an entity generated by another plugin. If you do not know what to enter, leave it as default: Rust
  8. Can Pick Up Entity. Default false — Here you can decide whether the entity can be picked up with the hammer or not. It is recommended to disable picking for all items that generate Loot, to avoid abuse.
  9. Spawn Position Offset: — Here you can specify the position to add relative to the entity spawn point, to fine-tune the positions of entities.
    1. Right: Moves the entity to the right. Use a negative value to move the entity to the left
    2. Forward: Moves the entity forward. Use a negative value to move the entity backwards.
    3. Up: Moves the entity up. Use a negative value to move the entity down.
  10. Spawn Rotation Offset — Here you can specify the coordinates to add relative to the entity’s spawn point, to fine-tune the rotation of the entities.
    1. X: Rotate the entity on the X-axis
    2. Y: Rotate the entity on the Y-axis
    3. Z: Rotate the entity on the Z-axis
  11. Custom Radius Check — Each spawn checks if there are entities that collide and the radius, within which to check, is automatically determined based on the size of the entity. But in some cases it is necessary to define a custom radius. Here you can decide the radius within which to check if there are entities that collide with the spawn.
  12. Execute Commands: — Here you can enter 1 or more commands that will be executed when the Item is launched. You can use some placeholders that can be passed to the commands
    1. %%msg%%: This placeholder can be used to send a message to the player, here is an example command:
      1. “%%msg%% test command”: This will send a message to the player with the text: “test command”
      2. “%%msg%% %%steamid%%”: This will send a message to the player with the text: player steamID
    2. %%steamid%%: This placeholder is used to insert the player’s steamID into the command.
    3. %%username%%: This placeholder is used to insert the player username into the command.
    4. %%displayName%%: This placeholder is used to insert the player display name (include clan tag) into the command.
    5. %%spawnCoordinateX%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn coordinate X into the command.
    6. %%spawnCoordinateY%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn coordinate Y into the command.
    7. %%spawnCoordinateZ%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn coordinate Z into the command.
    8. %%spawnRotationX%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn rotation X into the command.
    9. %%spawnRotationY%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn rotation Y into the command.
    10. %%spawnRotationZ%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn rotation Z into the command.
    11. %%mapGrid%%: This placeholder is used to insert the map grid into the command.
    12. %%mapGridLetter%%: This placeholder is used to insert the map grid letter into the command.
    13. %%mapGridNumber%%: This placeholder is used to insert the map grid number into the command.
    14. ——————–
    15. Here are some possible command examples:
      1. “deposit %%steamid%% 1000”: Will deposit 1000 RP into the player’s account (Economics plugin)
      2. “inventory.giveto %%steamid%% “short name” “amount” “: This will send a certain amount of items to the player.
  13. Execute Commands As Admin: — If set to TRUE, runs the command as Admin. Useful for running commands that require server-side Admin permissions. Default: FALSE
  14. Spawn Cooldown (seconds): — Sets a wait time before the entity is spawned, once the item is thrown.
  15. Spawn Only Outside: — If set to TRUE, the entity can only spawn outside of buildings or on the roof. It cannot spawn inside the building. Useful for vehicles or large entities, to avoid them getting stuck inside the base. Default: TRUE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_only_outside
  16. Allow spawning entity only where you have Building Privilege —  If set to TRUE, spawning is only allowed where you have building permissions. Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_building_privilege
  17. Requires Building Privilege or zones without TC to Spawn Entity: — If set to TRUE, building permissions will be required to spawn an entity or zones without TC. Default: TRUE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_building_privilege
  18. Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] — Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled]. Default: 0. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_tc
  19. Allow Spawn in Monuments: — If set to FALSE, the entity cannot be spawned inside the monument, but can be spawned outside the monument, within the radius of the monument (Radius means the red radius visible when for example trying to build near a monument). Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_monument
  20. Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius: — If set to true, the entity cannot be spawned inside the monument and outside the monument, within the radius of the monument (Radius means the red radius visible when for example trying to build near a monument). Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_monument
  21. Disable Spawn On Road/Rails — Disable entity spawn on the road/rails. Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_road_rails
  22. Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails — Minimum distance from the road/rails for the entity to spawn. Default: 0. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_road_rails
  23. Dont Spawn In Water: — If set to TRUE, the entity cannot be spawned in water. Useful for vehicles that cannot go in water. Warning: There is one exception. In very shallow water, entities can still be spawned, for example near the coast. The water must not be deeper than 0.5 meters. Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_water
  24. Requires Water: — If set to TRUE, the entity can only be spawned in water, useful for vehicles that can only operate in water, such as boats. Default: FALSE
  25. Minimum Water Depth: — If the entity can only be spawned in water, you can decide the minimum depth of the water. Useful to avoid spawning large entities in very shallow water so they do not get stuck. Default: 0 Meters = Any depth. The value cannot be negative.
  26. No Damage — If set to TRUE, entities will not take damage.
  27. Disable resource production, for example for entities of type Resource/Nature — If set to TRUE, entities do not produce resources, useful for entities of type Resources/Nature
  28. Armored: — There are entities that have the same Prefab Name, but 1 of the 2 can be generated with armor. In this case, you can decide which entity should have armor, For example Armored Hot Air Balloon.
  29. Unlimited Fuel: — If the entity is a vehicle, you can choose to spawn the entity with unlimited fuel. This configuration does not apply to Karuza’s custom vehicles. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.fuel.unlimited
  30. Fuel Amount: — If the entity is a vehicle, you can decide how much fuel the entity will spawn with. Default: 0 fuel. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.fuel.unlimited


NB: At least 1 of the 2 fields between Spawn PrefabName and Execute Commands is mandatory


The plugin is translated into the following languages:

  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Dutch
  • Turkish
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • Chinese (Simplified – zh-CN)

Translation files are located in the /oxide/lang folder, here is an example of a /oxide/lang/en/SpawnEverything.json translation file.

You can add translations for other languages by adding them to the folder: /oxide/lang

Here you can find a file with all the entities currently available and the various information on the item to create to spawn the entity



By default the plugin is configured with these entities that can be generated:


Minicopter, Attack Helicopter, Scrap Transport Helicopter, Hot Air Balloon, Armored Hot Air Balloon, Kayak, Row Boat, RHIB, Tugboat, Submarine Solo, Submarine Duo, Horse, Snowmobile, Tomaha Snowmobile, Sedan, 2 Module Car, 3 Module Car, 4 Module Car, Motorbike, Motorbike With Sidecar, Pedal Bike, Pedal Trike.


All Karuza special vehicles are included, you need to enable the property in the config file to use them.
Requires Karuza Vehicles plugin.


Bradley APC, Patrol Helicopter, Chinook 47.


Train Casino – Lucky Caboose, Blackjack Machine (Caboose), Card Table (Caboose), Slot Machine (Caboose), Card Table – A, Card Table – B, Card Table – C, Card Table – D, Slot Machine, Recycler, Recycler Safe Zone


Locked Crate, Oil Rig Locked Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Patrol Helicopter Crate, Elite Tier Crate, Elite Tier Crate – Underwater Labs.


Survey Crater – For Mining Quarry, Survey Crater Oil – For Pump Jack.


Deployment of entities of type Resources/Nature, such as trees


You can add as many entities as you want via the configuration file.

If you have any difficulties or need to add a particular entity, feel free to open a support request and it will be added to the plugin.

New entities will be added with future releases of the plugin.


Spawn Minicopter
Spawn Minicopter
Spawn Attack Helicopter
Spawn Attack Helicopter
Spawn Scrap Transport Helicopter
Spawn Scrap Transport Helicopter
Spawn Hot Air Balloon
Spawn Hot Air Balloon
Spawn Armored Hot Air Balloon
Spawn Armored Hot Air Balloon
Spawn Kayak
Spawn Kayak
Spawn Row Boat
Spawn Row Boat
Spawn RHIB
Spawn Rhib
Spawn Tugboat
Spawn Tugboat
Spawn Submarine Solo
Spawn Submarine Solo
Spawn Submarine Duo
Spawn Submarine Duo
Spawn Horse
Spawn Horse
Spawn Snowmobile
Spawn Snowmobile
Spawn Tomaha Snowmobile
Spawn Tomaha Snowmobile
Spawn Sedan
Spawn Sedan
Spawn 2 Module Car
Spawn 2 Module Car
Spawn 3 Module Car
Spawn 3 Module Car
Spawn 4 Module Car
Spawn 4 Module Car
Spawn Motorbike
Spawn Motorbike
Spawn Motorbike With Sidecar
Spawn Motorbike With Sidecar
Spawn Pedal Bike
Spawn Pedal Bike
Spawn Pedal Trike
Spawn Pedal Trike
Spawn Recycler
Spawn Recycler
Spawn Recycler Safe Zone
Spawn Recycler Safe Zone
Spawn Bradley APC
Spawn Bradley Apc
Spawn Patrol Helicopter
Spawn Patrol Helicopter
Spawn Chinook 47
Spawn Chinook 47
Spawn MLRS Launcher
Spawn Mlrs Launcher
Spawn Survey Crater – For Mining Quarry
Spawn Survey Crater - For Mining Quarry
Spawn Survey Crater Oil – For Pump Jack
Spawn Survey Crater Oil - For Pump Jack
Spawn Locked Crate
Spawn Locked Crate
Spawn Oil Rig Locked Crate
Spawn Oil Rig Locked Crate
Spawn Bradley APC Crate
Spawn Bradley Apc Crate
Spawn Patrol Helicopter Crate
Spawn Patrol Helicopter Crate
Spawn Elite Tier Crate
Spawn Elite Tier Crate
Spawn Elite Tier Crate – Underwater Labs
Spawn Elite Tier Crate - Underwater Labs
Spawn Train Casino – Lucky Caboose
Spawn Train Casino - Lucky Caboose
Spawn Casino – Blackjack Machine (Caboose)
Spawn Casino - Blackjack Machine (Caboose)
Spawn Casino – Card Table (Caboose)
Spawn Casino - Card Table (Caboose)
Spawn Casino – Slot Machine (Caboose)
Spawn Casino - Slot Machine (Caboose)
Spawn Card Table – A
Spawn Card Table - A
Spawn Card Table – B
Spawn Card Table - B
Spawn Card Table – C
Spawn Card Table - C
Spawn Card Table – D
Spawn Card Table - D
Spawn Casino – Slot Machine
Spawn Casino - Slot Machine
Spawn All Karuza Vehicles
Spawn Bases
Execute Commands
And Much More...
Swamp Tree A
Swamp Tree A
Swamp Tree B
Swamp Tree B
Swamp Tree C
Swamp Tree C
Swamp Tree D
Swamp Tree D
Swamp Tree E
Swamp Tree E
Swamp Tree F
Swamp Tree F
Arctic Forest – Douglas Fir A Snow
Arctic Forest - Douglas Fir A Snow
Arctic Forest – Douglas Fir B Snow
Arctic Forest - Douglas Fir B Snow
Arctic Forest – Douglas Fir C Snow
Arctic Forest - Douglas Fir C Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine A Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine A Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine C Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine C Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine Dead Snow A
Arctic Forest - Pine Dead Snow A
Arctic Forest – Pine Dead Snow B
Arctic Forest - Pine Dead Snow B
Arctic Forest – Pine Dead Snow C
Arctic Forest - Pine Dead Snow C
Arctic Forest – Pine Dead Snow D
Arctic Forest - Pine Dead Snow D
Arctic Forest – Pine Dead Snow E
Arctic Forest - Pine Dead Snow E
Arctic Forest – Pine Dead Snow F
Arctic Forest - Pine Dead Snow F
Arctic Forest – Pine Sapling A Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine Sapling A Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine Sapling B Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine Sapling B Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine Sapling C Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine Sapling C Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine Sapling D Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine Sapling D Snow
Arctic Forest – Pine Sapling E Snow
Arctic Forest - Pine Sapling E Snow
Arctic Forestside – Pine A Snow
Arctic Forestside - Pine A Snow
Arctic Forestside – Pine B Snow
Arctic Forestside - Pine B Snow
Arctic Forestside – Pine D Snow
Arctic Forestside - Pine D Snow
Arctic Forestside – Pine Dead Snow E
Arctic Forestside - Pine Dead Snow E
Arctic Forestside – Pine Dead Snow F
Arctic Forestside - Pine Dead Snow F
Arctic Forestside – Pine Sapling D Snow
Arctic Forestside - Pine Sapling D Snow
Arctic Forestside – Pine Sapling E Snow
Arctic Forestside - Pine Sapling E Snow
Arid Beachside – Palm Tree Short A
Arid Beachside - Palm Tree Short A
Arid Beachside – Palm Tree Short B
Arid Beachside - Palm Tree Short B
Arid Beachside – Palm Tree Short C
Arid Beachside - Palm Tree Short C
Arid Beachside – Palm Tree Small A
Arid Beachside - Palm Tree Small A
Arid Beachside – Palm Tree Small B
Arid Beachside - Palm Tree Small B
Arid Beachside – Palm Tree Small C
Arid Beachside - Palm Tree Small C
Arid Cactus 1
Arid Cactus 1
Arid Cactus 2
Arid Cactus 2
Arid Cactus 3
Arid Cactus 3
Arid Cactus 4
Arid Cactus 4
Arid Cactus 5
Arid Cactus 5
Arid Cactus 6
Arid Cactus 6
Arid Cactus 7
Arid Cactus 7
Arid Field – Palm Tree Short A
Arid Field - Palm Tree Short A
Arid Field – Palm Tree Short B
Arid Field - Palm Tree Short B
Arid Field – Palm Tree Short C
Arid Field - Palm Tree Short C
Arid Field – Palm Tree Small B
Arid Field - Palm Tree Small B
Arid Field – Palm Tree Small C
Arid Field - Palm Tree Small C
Arid Forest – Palm Tree Medium A
Arid Forest - Palm Tree Medium A
Arid Forest – Palm Tree Short A
Arid Forest - Palm Tree Short A
Arid Forest – Palm Tree Short B
Arid Forest - Palm Tree Short B
Arid Forest – Palm Tree Short C
Arid Forest - Palm Tree Short C
Arid Forest – Palm Tree Tall A
Arid Forest - Palm Tree Tall A
Arid Forest – Palm Tree Tall B
Arid Forest - Palm Tree Tall B
Arid Forestside – Palm Tree Short A
Arid Forestside - Palm Tree Short A
Arid Forestside – Palm Tree Short B
Arid Forestside - Palm Tree Short B
Arid Forestside – Palm Tree Short C
Arid Forestside - Palm Tree Short C
Bushes Arctic – Willow Snow A
Bushes Arctic - Willow Snow A
Bushes Arctic – Willow Snow B
Bushes Arctic - Willow Snow B
Bushes Arctic – Willow Snow C
Bushes Arctic - Willow Snow C
Bushes Arctic – Willow Snow D
Bushes Arctic - Willow Snow D
Bushes Arctic – Willow Snow Small A
Bushes Arctic - Willow Snow Small A
Bushes Arctic – Willow Snow Small B
Bushes Arctic - Willow Snow Small B
Bushes Arctic Forest – Spicebush A Snow
Bushes Arctic Forest - Spicebush A Snow
Bushes Arctic Forest – Spicebush C Snow
Bushes Arctic Forest - Spicebush C Snow
Bushes Arctic Forest – Willow Snow A
Bushes Arctic Forest - Willow Snow A
Bushes Arctic Forest – Willow Snow B
Bushes Arctic Forest - Willow Snow B
Bushes Arctic Forest – Willow Snow C
Bushes Arctic Forest - Willow Snow C
Bushes Arctic Forest – Willow Snow D
Bushes Arctic Forest - Willow Snow D
Bushes Arid Desert – Creosote C
Bushes Arid Desert - Creosote C
Bushes Arid Desert – Creosote D
Bushes Arid Desert - Creosote D
Bushes Arid Desert – Mormon Tea A
Bushes Arid Desert - Mormon Tea A
Bushes Arid Desert – Mormon Tea B
Bushes Arid Desert - Mormon Tea B
Bushes Arid Desert – Mormon Tea C
Bushes Arid Desert - Mormon Tea C
Bushes Arid Desert – Mormon Tea D
Bushes Arid Desert - Mormon Tea D
Bushes Arid Dry – Creosote A
Bushes Arid Dry - Creosote A
Bushes Arid Dry – Creosote B
Bushes Arid Dry - Creosote B
Bushes Arid Grass – Creosote A
Bushes Arid Grass - Creosote A
Bushes Arid Grass – Creosote B
Bushes Arid Grass - Creosote B
Bushes Arid Grass – Creosote C
Bushes Arid Grass - Creosote C
Bushes Arid Grass – Creosote D
Bushes Arid Grass - Creosote D
Bushes Arid Ocotillo A
Bushes Arid Ocotillo A
Bushes Arid Ocotillo B
Bushes Arid Ocotillo B
Bushes Arid Ocotillo C
Bushes Arid Ocotillo C
Bushes Arid Ocotillo D
Bushes Arid Ocotillo D
Bushes Arid Ocotillo – Dry A
Bushes Arid Ocotillo - Dry A
Bushes Arid Ocotillo – Dry B
Bushes Arid Ocotillo - Dry B
Bushes Arid Ocotillo – Dry C
Bushes Arid Ocotillo - Dry C
Bushes Arid Ocotillo – Dry D
Bushes Arid Ocotillo - Dry D
Bushes Temperate – Spicebush A
Bushes Temperate - Spicebush A
Bushes Temperate – Spicebush B
Bushes Temperate - Spicebush B
Bushes Temperate – Spicebush C
Bushes Temperate - Spicebush C
Bushes Temperate – Spicebush D
Bushes Temperate - Spicebush D
Bushes Temperate – Willow A
Bushes Temperate - Willow A
Bushes Temperate – Willow B
Bushes Temperate - Willow B
Bushes Temperate – Willow C
Bushes Temperate - Willow C
Bushes Temperate – Willow D
Bushes Temperate - Willow D
Bushes Tundra – Spicebush A
Bushes Tundra - Spicebush A
Bushes Tundra – Spicebush B
Bushes Tundra - Spicebush B
Bushes Tundra – Spicebush C
Bushes Tundra - Spicebush C
Bushes Tundra – Spicebush D
Bushes Tundra - Spicebush D
Temperate Beachside – Birch Small
Temperate Beachside - Birch Small
Temperate Beachside – Birch Tiny
Temperate Beachside - Birch Tiny
Temperate Field – American Beech D
Temperate Field - American Beech D
Temperate Field – American Beech E
Temperate Field - American Beech E
Temperate Field – Birch Small
Temperate Field - Birch Small
Temperate Field – Birch Tiny
Temperate Field - Birch Tiny
Temperate Field Large – Oak B
Temperate Field Large - Oak B
Temperate Field Large – Oak C
Temperate Field Large - Oak C
Temperate Field Large – Oak D
Temperate Field Large - Oak D
Temperate Field – Oak E
Temperate Field - Oak E
Temperate Field – Oak F
Temperate Field - Oak F
Temperate Field – Pine B
Temperate Field - Pine B
Temperate Field – Pine D
Temperate Field - Pine D
Temperate Forest – American Beech A Dead
Temperate Forest - American Beech A Dead
Temperate Forest – American Beech A
Temperate Forest - American Beech A
Temperate Forest – American Beech B
Temperate Forest - American Beech B
Temperate Forest – American Beech C
Temperate Forest - American Beech C
Temperate Forest – Birch Big
Temperate Forest - Birch Big
Temperate Forest – Birch Large
Temperate Forest - Birch Large
Temperate Forest – Birch Medium
Temperate Forest - Birch Medium
Temperate Forest Pine – American Beech A
Temperate Forest Pine - American Beech A
Temperate Forest Pine – American Beech B
Temperate Forest Pine - American Beech B
Temperate Forest Pine – American Beech C
Temperate Forest Pine - American Beech C
Temperate Forest Pine – Birch Big
Temperate Forest Pine - Birch Big
Temperate Forest Pine – Birch Large
Temperate Forest Pine - Birch Large
Temperate Forest Pine – Douglas Fir A
Temperate Forest Pine - Douglas Fir A
Temperate Forest Pine – Douglas Fir B
Temperate Forest Pine - Douglas Fir B
Temperate Forest Pine – Douglas Fir C
Temperate Forest Pine - Douglas Fir C
Temperate Forest Pine A
Temperate Forest Pine A
Temperate Forest Pine C
Temperate Forest Pine C
Temperate Forestside – American Beech D
Temperate Forestside - American Beech D
Temperate Forestside – American Beech E
Temperate Forestside - American Beech E
Temperate Forestside – American Beech E Dead
Temperate Forestside - American Beech E Dead
Temperate Forestside – Birch Medium
Temperate Forestside - Birch Medium
Temperate Forestside – Birch Small
Temperate Forestside - Birch Small
Temperate Forestside – Birch Tiny
Temperate Forestside - Birch Tiny
Temperate Forestside Pine – Douglas Fir D
Temperate Forestside Pine - Douglas Fir D
Temperate Forestside Pine B
Temperate Forestside Pine B
Temperate Forestside Pine D
Temperate Forestside Pine D
Tundra Field – Birch Big
Tundra Field - Birch Big
Tundra Field – Birch Large
Tundra Field - Birch Large
Tundra Field – Birch Medium
Tundra Field - Birch Medium
Tundra Field – Birch Small
Tundra Field - Birch Small
Tundra Field – Birch Tiny
Tundra Field - Birch Tiny
Tundra Field – Pine Dead D
Tundra Field - Pine Dead D
Tundra Field – Pine Dead E
Tundra Field - Pine Dead E
Tundra Field – Pine Dead F
Tundra Field - Pine Dead F
Tundra Field Pine A
Tundra Field Pine A
Tundra Field Pine B
Tundra Field Pine B
Tundra Field Pine D
Tundra Field Pine D
Tundra Field Pine Sapling A
Tundra Field Pine Sapling A
Tundra Field Pine Sapling B
Tundra Field Pine Sapling B
Tundra Field Pine Sapling C
Tundra Field Pine Sapling C
Tundra Field Pine Sapling D
Tundra Field Pine Sapling D
Tundra Field Pine Sapling E
Tundra Field Pine Sapling E
Tundra Forest – Birch Big
Tundra Forest - Birch Big
Tundra Forest – Birch Large
Tundra Forest - Birch Large
Tundra Forest Dead – Douglas Fir C
Tundra Forest Dead - Douglas Fir C
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead A
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead A
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead B
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead B
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead C
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead C
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead D
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead D
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead E
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead E
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead F
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead F
Tundra Forest – Douglas Fir A
Tundra Forest - Douglas Fir A
Tundra Forest – Douglas Fir B
Tundra Forest - Douglas Fir B
Tundra Forest – Douglas Fir C
Tundra Forest - Douglas Fir C
Tundra Forest – Douglas Fir D
Tundra Forest - Douglas Fir D
Tundra Forest – Pine A
Tundra Forest - Pine A
Tundra Forest – Pine C
Tundra Forest - Pine C
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead A
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead A
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead B
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead B
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead C
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead C
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead D
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead D
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead E
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead E
Tundra Forest – Pine Dead F
Tundra Forest - Pine Dead F
Tundra Forest – Pine Sapling A
Tundra Forest - Pine Sapling A
Tundra Forest – Pine Sapling B
Tundra Forest - Pine Sapling B
Tundra Forest – Pine Sapling C
Tundra Forest - Pine Sapling C
Tundra Forest – Pine Sapling D
Tundra Forest - Pine Sapling D
Tundra Forest – Pine Sapling E
Tundra Forest - Pine Sapling E
Tundra Forestside – Birch Medium
Tundra Forestside - Birch Medium
Tundra Forestside – Birch Small
Tundra Forestside - Birch Small
Tundra Forestside – Birch Tiny
Tundra Forestside - Birch Tiny
Tundra Forestside – Douglas Fir D Small
Tundra Forestside - Douglas Fir D Small
Tundra Forestside – Pine B
Tundra Forestside - Pine B
Tundra Forestside – Pine D
Tundra Forestside - Pine D
Wood Pile
Wood Pile
Stone Ore
Stone Ore
Metal Ore
Metal Ore
Sulfur Ore
Sulfur Ore
Driftwood 1
Driftwood 1
Driftwood 2
Driftwood 2
Driftwood 3
Driftwood 3
Driftwood 4
Driftwood 4
Driftwood 5
Driftwood 5
Driftwood Set 1
Driftwood Set 1
Driftwood Set 2
Driftwood Set 2
Driftwood Set 3
Driftwood Set 3
Logs Dry – Dead Log A
Logs Dry - Dead Log A
Logs Dry – Dead Log B
Logs Dry - Dead Log B
Logs Dry – Dead Log C
Logs Dry - Dead Log C
Logs Snow – Dead Log A
Logs Snow - Dead Log A
Logs Snow – Dead Log B
Logs Snow - Dead Log B
Logs Snow – Dead Log C
Logs Snow - Dead Log C
Logs Wet – Dead Log A
Logs Wet - Dead Log A
Logs Wet – Dead Log B
Logs Wet - Dead Log B
Logs Wet – Dead Log C
Logs Wet - Dead Log C


Digital Content Copyright License

Intellectual Property:
This digital content is protected by copyright under international and local laws. All rights are reserved and any unauthorized use is prohibited. The content purchased may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright holder, except as required by law.

Terms of Use:
1. Personal Use: Your purchase of this digital content grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license for personal use. The content may not be shared or distributed to third parties.
2. Limitations: You may not modify, alter, adapt, create derivative works from, sell, or license this content without the written permission of the copyright holder.
3. Backup: You may make one backup copy of the content for your personal use, provided that it is not distributed.

Warranties and Responsibilities:
The copyright holder makes no warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the content for a particular purpose. In no event shall the copyright holder be liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use the purchased digital content.

Permission Requests:
For requests for permission to use or other information, please contact:

Andrea Angelozzi – Scalbox
[email protected]


Additional information


Carbon, Oxide/Umod


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Improved collision check


No damage bug fix


New entity [Resource/Nature]


New property, [DisableDispenserGather], to disable resource production from generated entities of type Resource/Nature


New property, [NoDamage], to disable damage to spawned entities


New role, [spawneverything.nodamage.enabled], to disable damage to spawned entities


New property, to allow spawning only where you have building permission


New entity [MLRS Launcher]


Configuration property to customize spawn position and rotation


New Karuza vehicles


Spawned entity skinID


Possibility of enable Instant Airdrop


Monument Collider bug fix


Added new spawnable entities [Recycler] [Recycler Safe Zone]


Added new translations [es, es-ES, fr, de, nl, tr, ru, uk, zh-CN]


Spawn check


New monument check [Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius]


Entity pickup with hammer, now works with all entities [BETA 2]


Fuel System management for vehicles


Entity pickup show confirm dialog UI [ShowPickUpEntityConfirmDialog]


New Karuza vehicles


Horse prefab name


Rust update patch 06/02/2025


execute commands bug fix and improvements


Some skins have been changed for some items.
The plugin automatically updates the skins, but if you are using these skinIDs in other plugins, for example in the shop, you will have to update the skins.
Here is the list of changed skins:

Hot Air Balloon: FROM 3366893631 TO 3419010472
Horse: FROM 3366896346 TO 3419012049
2 Module Car: FROM 3366897696 TO 3419013161
3 Module Car: FROM 3366898066 TO 3419013451
4 Module Car: FROM 3366898310 TO 3419013737
Pedal Bike: FROM 3366899171 TO 3419014447


Command new placeholder: username, displayName, spawnCoordinateX, spawnCoordinateY, spawnCoordinateZ, spawnRotationX, spawnRotationY, spawnRotationZ, mapGrid, mapGridLetter, mapGridNumber


Spawn block on rails along with spawn block on roads


Changed permission from [spawneverything.spawn.bypassroad] to [spawneverything.spawn.bypassroad_rails]


Some skinID


Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC)


New permission [spawneverything.spawn.bypass_tc]


New Karuza vehicles


Improved: Group and cache management


Moved [Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity] field inside entity spawn configuration


Moved [Allow Entity Spawn in monuments] field inside entity spawn configuration


Added new entity spawn configuration field [Disable Spawn On Road]


Added new entity spawn configuration field [Minimum spawn distance from Road]


Added new permission [PermissionSpawnBypassRoad]


Execute Commands


Bug Fix


Ability to use different item names for entity spawns


Added new karuza vehicles


Added new spawnable entities


Field (Custom Radius Check) to decide a custom radius within which to check if the entity collides with other entities.


Field (Spawn Rotate Y) to spawn the entity with a different rotation.


Field (Can Pick Up Entity) to enable or disable entity pick up.


Pick Up Entity with hammer. (Beta version)


Check entity collide


Hook time performance improvement


Performance improvement


Initial release


Initial release


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