

Sold by: scalbox

Player Whitelist allows you to create a Whitelist of SteamIDs that have access to your Rust server. If the SteamID of a player trying to connect is not present, they will be kicked by the server. You can also decide to bypass the whitelist based on whether the player is the server owner, an admin, a moderator or is part of a group.

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Player Whitelist allows you to create a Whitelist of SteamIDs that have access to your Rust server. If the SteamID of a player trying to connect is not present, they will be kicked by the server. You can also decide to bypass the whitelist based on whether the player is the server owner, an admin, a moderator or is part of a group.


Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), from the server console, or via Rcon

  • pw add <SteamID> — Adds the SteamID to the whitelist, granting access to the server
  • pw remove <SteamID> — Removes the SteamID from the whitelist, denying access to the server. Furthermore, if the player is connected, he will be kicked by the server
  • pw kick — This command kicks any connected players who do not have SteamID enabled in the whitelist off the server
  • pw status — Prints the whitelist status, with all information about the settings and SteamIDs enabled in the whitelist.
This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
  • playerwhitelist.admin — Allows you to use pw commands
Default Configuration
   "EnableWhitelist (TRUE = allow access only to whitelisted members - FALSE: access for all)":false,
   "Bypass whitelist for server owners (TRUE = Bypass whitelist for server owners - FALSE: no)":true,
   "Bypass whitelist for admins (TRUE = Bypass whitelist for admins - FALSE: no)":false,
   "Bypass whitelist for moderators (TRUE = Bypass whitelist for moderators - FALSE: no)":false,
   "Bypass whitelist for players who are part of at least 1 of these groups":[],
   "KickMessage (Message to show to kicked players)":"Access not allowed, you are not on the whitelist.",
   "Whitelist: (List of SteamIDs)":[]
  • EnableWhitelist — TRUE = allow access only to whitelisted members – FALSE: access for all.
  • Bypass whitelist for server owners — TRUE = Bypass whitelist for server owners – FALSE: no.
  • Bypass whitelist for admins — TRUE = Bypass whitelist for admins – FALSE: no.
  • Bypass whitelist for moderators — TRUE = Bypass whitelist for moderators – FALSE: no.
  • Bypass whitelist for players who are part of at least 1 of these groupsEnableWhitelist — Bypass the whitelist if the player is part of at least 1 of these groups.
  • KickMessage — The message to show when the player is kicked off the server
  • Whitelist — Contains the list of SteamIDs of players who have access to the server
Example Configuration
  "EnableWhitelist (TRUE = allow access only to whitelisted members - FALSE: access for all)": false,
  "Bypass whitelist for server owners (TRUE = Bypass whitelist for server owners - FALSE: no)": true,
  "Bypass whitelist for admins (TRUE = Bypass whitelist for admins - FALSE: no)": false,
  "Bypass whitelist for moderators (TRUE = Bypass whitelist for moderators - FALSE: no)": false,
  "Bypass whitelist for players who are part of at least 1 of these groups": [
  "KickMessage (Message to show to kicked players)": "Access not allowed, you are not on the whitelist.",
  "Whitelist: (List of SteamIDs)": [

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Carbon, Oxide/Umod


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Added settings to bypass the whitelist


Initial release


Initial release


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