Better Legacy Wood Shelter Limiter and Decay


Sold by: scalbox

Better Legacy Wood Shelter Limiter and Decay, allows you to change the limit and decay of legacy wood shelters you can place based on group/permission.
You can create a group and change the limit and decay for all players, or based on the VIP group.

Additionally, if the configured limits are not exceeded, it prevents Rust from destroying the old shelter when a player places a new shelter.

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Better Legacy Wood Shelter Limiter and Decay


Better Legacy Wood Shelter Limiter and Decay, allows you to change the limit and decay of legacy wood shelters you can place based on group/permission.
You can create a group and change the limit and decay for all players, or based on the VIP group.

Additionally, if the configured limits are not exceeded, it prevents Rust from destroying the old shelter when a player places a new shelter.
This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
  • betterlegacywoodshelter.default — Assign the limits configured in the group: default.
  • betterlegacywoodshelter.vip1 — Assign the limits configured in the group: vip1.
  • betterlegacywoodshelter.vip2 — Assign the limits configured in the group: vip2.
  • betterlegacywoodshelter.vip2 — Assign the limits configured in the group: vip3.
Default Configuration
The configurationcan be found in the file: /oxide/config/BetterLegacyWoodShelter.json

  "GroupSettings": {
    "default": {
      "Player Max Legacy Wood Shelter limit": 1,
      "Decay setting": {
        "Enable decay or not": false,
        "Decay begins after the last use, after the last time the door was opened": true,
        "Decay starts after X seconds after the last door opening": 64800,
        "Inflicting HP damage every X seconds": 3600,
        "Amount of HP damage to inflict": 20
    "vip1": {
      "Player Max Legacy Wood Shelter limit": 3,
      "Decay setting": {
        "Enable decay or not": false,
        "Decay begins after the last use, after the last time the door was opened": true,
        "Decay starts after X seconds after the last door opening": 64800,
        "Inflicting HP damage every X seconds": 3600,
        "Amount of HP damage to inflict": 20
    "vip2": {
      "Player Max Legacy Wood Shelter limit": 5,
      "Decay setting": {
        "Enable decay or not": false,
        "Decay begins after the last use, after the last time the door was opened": true,
        "Decay starts after X seconds after the last door opening": 64800,
        "Inflicting HP damage every X seconds": 3600,
        "Amount of HP damage to inflict": 20
    "vip3": {
      "Player Max Legacy Wood Shelter limit": 10,
      "Decay setting": {
        "Enable decay or not": false,
        "Decay begins after the last use, after the last time the door was opened": true,
        "Decay starts after X seconds after the last door opening": 64800,
        "Inflicting HP damage every X seconds": 3600,
        "Amount of HP damage to inflict": 20

4 groups are created and each group has a base limit set that you can change:

  • default — Can place up to 1 legacy wood shelter.
  • vip1 — Can place up to 3 legacy wood shelter.
  • vip2 — Can place up to 5 legacy wood shelter.
  • vip3 — Can place up to 10 legacy wood shelter.
  • Player Max Legacy Wood Shelter limit — In this field you can specify the limit of how many legacy wood shelters you can place.

You can also define decay settings for various groups

  • Enable decay or not — Enable decay or not.
  • Decay begins after the last use, after the last time the door was opened — Defines whether to initiate decay for shelters that are no longer in use. A shelter is defined as “unused” after a certain period of time in which the door is no longer opened or closed. It is advisable to leave it at TRUE, useful for invalidating only the shelters that are no longer used.
  • Decay starts after X seconds after the last door opening — Determines after how many seconds, a shelter is considered no longer used/decaying.
  • Inflicting HP damage every X seconds — Once the shelter is considered unused/decaying, set how many seconds to inflict damage on the shelter.
  • Amount of HP damage to inflict — Defines how much HP to inflict on the unused/decaying shelter.



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Permission Requests:
For requests for permission to use or other information, please contact:

Andrea Angelozzi – Scalbox
[email protected]


Additional information


Carbon, Oxide/Umod


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Prevents Rust from destroying the old shelter when a player places a new shelter, if the configured limits are not exceeded


Fix for Rust update


Performance improvement


Initial release


Initial release


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