Coin Flip


Sold by: scalbox

Coin Flip. Try your luck by challenging players to a coin flip and betting on it using Economics or ServerReward

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This is a fork of this plugin, created by Gachl.
The fork was created to add ServerReward support as well as the Economics plugin, a request made by the community on a plugin that has not been updated for years.

Coin Flip

Differences from uMod version

Differences from uMod version

In addition to support for the Economics plugin, support for the ServerReward plugin has been added.

To choose the plugin simply go to the configuration file in the conf folder and edit the CoinFlip.json file.
You will then need to modify the property: “Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]”
Here’s an example

  "AnnounceEverybody": true,
  "Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]": "ServerRewards",
  "MinimumAmount": 0,
  "Prefix": "[Coin Flip]",
  "Timeout": 5

By default the plugin is selected: Economics

If you are using the old version of the plugin, make sure to delete the CoinFlip.json file before upgrading


This plugin allows for betting on a random coin flip between two players using their Economics or ServerRewards balance.

Players can create public coin flips that anybody can join, or private coin flips that can only be joined by a specified player.

The amount of a coin flip is withdrawn from the balance when creating or joining a coin flip, and refunded if the coin flip is canceled or the opponent has disconnected.

Winning a coin flip will deposit the pot, which is two times the amount of the coin flip, into the winners balance. The loser will receive nothing.

There is no bank involved that could win or lose money. Any money is taken from and given to the opponents of a coin flip. No money is destroyed and no money is created.

The settings and options can be configured in the CoinFlip file under the config directory.
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
  • AnnounceEverybody — Whether to announce joins or wins of a coin flip to everybody on the server or not.
  • MinimumAmount — The minimum bet that is required to start a coin flip
  • Timeout — The time in minutes until a coin flip is canceled when nobody joins
  • Prefix — The chat prefix of messages of this plugin
This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
  • coinflip.create — Allows the use of /coinflip and /cancelflip commands to create private or public coin flips
  • coinflip.join — Allows use of /joinflip command to join private or public coin flips
The default messages are in the CoinFlip file under the lang/en directory. 
To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. de for German) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages.

Default languages supplied with this plugin:

  • English
  • German
  • /coinflip amount — Start a public coin flip for the specified amount.
  • /coinflip amount playerNameOrId — Start a private coin flip for the specified amount with the specified player.
  • /cancelflip — Cancel your current coin flip.
  • /joinflip playerNameOrId — Join the coin flip of this player.

Additional information


Carbon: Not tested, Oxide/Umod




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Support for ServerRewards


Forked version


Forked version 1.0.7. Version date 22/01/2019


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