Legacy Patrol Helicopter – Old Patrol Helicopter behavior


Sold by: scalbox

LegacyPatrolHelicopter allows to disable the Patrol Helicopter modification introduced with the Rust update of 04/04/2024 and make it behave as before the update, avoiding running away when attacked.
You can also decide whether patrol helicopter should crash into a monument once destroyed

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Legacy patrol Helicopter – Old Patrol Helicopter behavior

LegacyPatrolHelicopter allows to disable the Patrol Helicopter modification introduced with the Rust update of 04/04/2024 and make it behave as before the update, avoiding running away when attacked.
You can also decide whether Patrol Helicopter should crash into a monument once destroyed

Just load the plugin and launch it and all Patrol Helicopters will behave as before the Rust update, by default

It works with both Oxide/Umod and Carbon.


However, you can decide whether to disable or enable the modification made by Rust via the configuration file: /config/LegacyPatrolHelicopter.json

  "EnableLegacyPatrolHelicopter": true,
  "MonumentCrash": false,
  "VersionNumber": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 1
  1. EnableLegacyPatrolHelicopter: You can enable or disable the modification made by Rust. Default: TRUE
  2. MonumentCrash: If set to TRUE, the Patrol Helicopter will crash into a monument once destroyed, otherwise not. Default: FALSE

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Carbon, Oxide/Umod


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Settings to change crashing into a monument


Initial release


Initial release


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