Quick Smelt


Sold by: scalbox

Quick Smelt. Increases the speed of the furnace smelting.
Updated version with support for electric furnaces, igniter fixes, and many other improvements to the old plugin that has not been updated for years

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This is a fork of this plugin https://umod.org/plugins/quick-smelt, created by a member of the community (https://github.com/WheteThunger/QuickSmelt) which adds support for electric furnaces, fixes for the igniter, and many other improvements to the old plugin that has not been updated for years.

Quick Smelt

Differences from uMod version

Differences from uMod version

  • Smelting/cooking animations are actually accurate
  • Smelting/cooking multiple items at once does not increase efficiency (like vanilla)
  • Multipliers are baselined against vanilla, meaning 1.0 multiplier is actually equivalent to vanilla
  • Works with electric furnaces
  • Furnaces started via electricity or igniters will function the same as furnaces started directly by a player (uMod version will not detect this, causing furnaces to use vanilla rates in those cases)
  • The OnOvenCook and OnOvenCooked hooks are called correctly, allowing for compatibility with other plugins
  • Increasing speed does not increase the smelting animation speed, but does increase the amount smelted at once
  • Increasing speed only works using whole numbers, like 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 — This means you cannot achieve speeds like 0.5 or 1.5
  • The “Smelting Frequencies” config has no effect
  • When the plugin loads, if the config has invalid item short names or invalid entity short names, warnings will be printed in the server console to help you learn about the problem as early as possible


If you have a question not listed here, please check the open/closed issues on this GitHub repo. If you do not see your question there, open a new issue.

Why do I get a compilation error?

You may have downloaded the plugin file wrong. Try viewing the cs file in raw format (click here), then save that as QuickSmelt.cs.

Do I need to reset my config to use this fork?

No, existing configs will work.

Why is smelting speed having no effect?

It probably is working, and you just don’t realize. Adjusting smelting speed does not affect the speed of the green progress bar. Instead, the speed options affect the amount of each stack that is smelted when the progress bar completes.

Can I suggest new features?

I am not planning to add any new features at this time, but feel free to report bugs.

How can I speed up industrial conveyors to keep up with the fast smelting speed and high stack sizes?

Try using the Conveyor Stacks plugin and/or adjusting conveyor ConVars.

When will this be available on uMod?

I will try to contribute some of these fixes to the uMod version when I have time.

Furnace short names

Furnace short names

The following prefab short names are valid in the config.

  • bbq.campermodule
  • bbq.deployed
  • bbq.static_hidden
  • bbq.static
  • campfire_static
  • campfire
  • carvable.pumpkin
  • chineselantern.deployed
  • cursedcauldron.deployed
  • electricfurnace.deployed
  • fireplace.deployed
  • furnace.large
  • furnace_static
  • furnace
  • hobobarrel.deployed
  • hobobarrel_static
  • jackolantern.angry
  • jackolantern.happy
  • lantern.deployed
  • refinery_small_deployed
  • skull_fire_pit
  • small_refinery_static
  • tunalight.deployed
This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
  • quicksmelt.use — Apply configuration to this player’s furnaces.
The settings and options can be configured in the QuickSmelt file under the config directory.
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
Default Configuration
  "Use Permission": true,
  "Speed Multipliers": {
    "global": 1.0,
    "furnace.shortname": 1.0
  "Fuel Usage Speed Multipliers": {
    "global": 1.0,
    "furnace.shortname": 1.0
  "Fuel Usage Multipliers": {
    "global": 1,
    "furnace.shortname": 1
  "Output Multipliers": {
    "global": {
      "global": 1.0
    "furnace.shortname": {
      "item.shortname": 1.0
  "Whitelist": {
    "global": [
    "furnace.shortname": [
  "Blacklist": {
    "global": [
    "furnace.shortname": [
  "Smelting Frequencies (Smelt items every N smelting ticks)": {
    "global": 1,
    "furnace.shortname": 1
  "Debug": false


Use Permission – Whether to use the permission.

Speed Multipliers – Changes how frequently the furnace cooks stuff inside, processes the items.

Fuel Usage Speed Multipliers – How fast fuel is consumed.

Fuel Usage Multiplier – Fuel consumption multiplier.

Output Multipliers – Output multipliers.

Whitelist and Blacklist – Items which can(not) be smelted (INPUT, not OUTPUT). Use it to cook food in furnaces and smelt ores in campfires.

Smelting Frequencies – Smelt items only every (N) smelting ticks. Increase the value to make it slower and produce less.

Replace all furnace.shortname with the shortname of the entity, e.g.: furnace, furnace.large, campfire. Use global to apply the setting to all entities.

Additional information


Carbon: Not tested, Oxide/Umod




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Fixed issue where the plugin would affect furnaces owned by players who did not have permission

3 thoughts on "Quick Smelt"

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  1. Looks like the withelist doesn’t work, i edit the config file to make furnace and electric furnaces cook raw meat, but neither one accept the raw meat

  2. Looks like the withelist doesn’t work, i edit the config file to make furnace and electric furnaces cook raw meat, but neither one accept the raw meat

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