Quick Sort


Sold by: scalbox

Adds a GUI that allows players to quickly sort items into containers

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This is a fork of this plugin https://umod.org/plugins/quick-sort, created by MONaH.
This fork was made to fix a bug on Carbon, a request made by the Rust community and not solved for more than 1 year.
If you are the developer of this plugin, feel free to contact me for the patch.

Quick Sort

Quick Sort adds a new GUI menu when looting containers and players. Players can choose what type of items they want to put in the container, or even loot all items from the container. Also supports automated looting containers that isn’t accepting players items.

| Digital Market Play


This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
  • quicksort.use — Allows player to use Quick Sort UI and features
  • quicksort.lootall — Allows player use Loot All feature
  • quicksort.autolootall — Allows player use Automated Loot All feature


  • /qs on – Enable GUI
  • /qs off – Disable GUI
  • /qs auto – toggle automated looting
  • /qs <s | style> <center | lite | right | custom> – change GUI style
  • /qs <c | conatiner> <main | wear | belt> – add/remove container type from the sort (if they are enabled in the configuration).


The settings and options can be configured in the QuickSort file under the config directory.
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
  "Global settings": {
    "Default enabled": true,
    "Default UI style (center, lite, right, custom)": "right",
    "Loot all delay in seconds (0 to disable)": 0,
    "Enable loot all on the sleepers": false,
    "Auto loot all enabled by default": false,
    "Default enabled container types": {
      "Belt": false,
      "Main": true,
      "Wear": false
    "Chat steamID icon": 0,
    "Chat command": [
    "Excluded containers": [
      "assets/prefabs/deployable/single shot trap/guntrap.deployed.prefab",
      "assets/prefabs/npc/flame turret/flameturret.deployed.prefab",
  "Custom UI Settings": {
    "AnchorsMin": "0.5 1.0",
    "AnchorsMax": "0.5 1.0",
    "OffsetsMin": "192 -137",
    "OffsetsMax": "573 0",
    "Color": "0.5 0.5 0.5 0.33",
    "ButtonsColor": "0.75 0.43 0.18 0.8",
    "LootAllColor": "0.41 0.50 0.25 0.8",
    "TextColor": "0.77 0.92 0.67 0.8",
    "TextSize": 16,
    "CategoriesTextSize": 14


The default messages are in the QuickSort file under the lang/en directory.
To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. de for German) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages.
  "Error.NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
  "Format.All": "All",
  "Format.Ammo": "Ammo",
  "Format.Attire": "Attire",
  "Format.Components": "Components",
  "Format.Construction": "Construction",
  "Format.Deployables": "Deployables",
  "Format.Deposit": "Deposit",
  "Format.Disabled": "<color=#B22222>Disabled</color>",
  "Format.Electrical": "Electrical",
  "Format.Enabled": "<color=#228B22>Enabled</color>",
  "Format.Existing": "Existing",
  "Format.Food": "Food",
  "Format.LootAll": "Loot All",
  "Format.Medical": "Medical",
  "Format.Misc": "Misc",
  "Format.Prefix": "<color=#00FF00>[Quick Sort]</color>: ",
  "Format.Resources": "Resources",
  "Format.Tools": "Tools",
  "Format.Traps": "Traps",
  "Format.Weapons": "Weapons",
  "Info.AutoLootAll": "Automated looting is now {0}",
  "Info.ContainerType": "Quick Sort for container type {0} is now {1}",
  "Info.QuickSort": "Quick Sort GUI is now {0}",
  "Info.Style": "Quick Sort GUI style is now {0}",
  "Error.Syntax": "List Commands:n<color=#FFFF00>/{0} on</color> - Enable GUIn<color=#FFFF00>/{0} off</color> - Disable GUIn<color=#FFFF00>/{0} auto</color> - Enable/Disable automated lootingn<color=#FFFF00>/{0} <s | style> <center | lite | right | custom></color> - change GUI stylen<color=#FFFF00>/{0} <c | conatiner> <main | wear | belt></color> - add/remove container type from the sort"



object QuickSortExcluded(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity)

Called when a player tries to open a container. Returning a non-null value prevents the container being autolooted and Ui will not appear.


  • Scalbox, Current maintainer and for new fixes and support
  • MONaH, who maintained the plugin until a year ago
  • emu, for the original version of this plugin
  • Wulf, the original author of the re-written version of this plugin

Additional information


Carbon, Oxide/Umod




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Fixed "Deposit All" button for Carbon framework


Forked version v1.8.2. Version date 15/06/2023


Forked version v1.8.2. Version date 15/06/2023


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