Vehicle Remover Tool


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Vehicle Remover Tool, allows players to delete their vehicles, useful in case these vehicles are stuck in base or other problems. Furthermore, with the admin role, you can remove any vehicle

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Vehicle Remover Tool


Vehicle Remover Tool, allows players to delete their vehicles, useful in case these vehicles are stuck in base or other problems. Furthermore, with the admin role, you can remove any vehicle


Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), or from console.

  • /vr or /vremove— Command to eliminate own vehicles, in normal mode. To use this command you must have permission: vehicleremovertool.use
  • /vr a or /vremove a — Command to delete all vehicles, in admin mode. To use this command you must have permission: vehicleremovertool.admin
This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
  • vehicleremovertool.use — Allows you to use /vr or /vremove commands.
  • vehicleremovertool.admin — Allows you to use /vr a or /vremove a commands.

The plugin generates a log with all deleted vehicles, with various information.
The log can be found in the folder: /oxide/data/VehicleRemoverTool.json

Here are 2 log examples:

  "VehicleKillsData": {
    "76561100000000001": [
        "KillerSteamID": 76561100000000001,
        "KillerUsername": "Player name",
        "OwnerSteamID": 76561100000000002,
        "OwnerUsername": "Owner Player name",
        "VehicleName": "tugboat",
        "VehicleNetworkId": 11223301,
        "VehicleCoordinate": "X: 714.2195 - Y: -0.9558989 - Z:2111.405",
        "VehicleGridPosition": null,
        "KillDate": "2024-01-12T00:30:04.151569",
        "KillTimestamp": 1705019404151
        "KillerSteamID": 76561100000000001,
        "KillerUsername": "Player name",
        "OwnerSteamID": 0,
        "OwnerUsername": "Server",
        "VehicleName": "minicopter.entity",
        "VehicleNetworkId": 11223302,
        "VehicleCoordinate": "X: 805.4279 - Y: 14.52639 - Z:876.3594",
        "VehicleGridPosition": "S 7",
        "KillDate": "2024-01-12T04:18:12.40844",
        "KillTimestamp": 1705033092408

There is various information to know who deleted a vehicle, who owned the vehicle, what type of vehicle it was, the location of the vehicle and the date and time of deletion.

If you see the fields “OwnerSteamID”: 0 or “OwnerUsername”: “Server”, it means that a vehicle that did not belong to anyone has been deleted, a vehicle generated by the server

Default Configuration
  "TimeZone": "Europe/London",
  "Use Teams": true,
  "Use Clans": true,
  "AllowKillUnownedVehicles ": true,
  "Crosshair Image Url": "",
  "Chat Command": [
  • TimeZone — The TimeZone with which the dates and times will be saved in the log
  • Use Teams — Allow the player to remove the vehicles of his clanmates
  • Use Clans — Allow the player to remove the vehicles of his teammates
  • AllowKillUnownedVehicles — Allow the player to remove vehicles that do not belong to other players
  • Crosshair Image Url — URL of the crosshair to use
  • Chat Command — List of commands to use the plugin


Deleting the Tugboat works differently, and can only be eliminated if:

  • The tugboat is owned by the player and there are no players allowed in the TC
  • Eliminate the tugboat, if the player is authorized in the TC
  • Delete the tugboat, if no one is authorized in the TC and it has been enabled in the configuration: AllowKillUnownedVehicles

Additional information


Carbon: Not tested, Oxide/Umod


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